Carrying out regular condition surveys is very important. The purpose of such surveys is to inspect a building to determine what state it is in. They may be carried out before purchasing a building, signing a maintenance contract, or to assess the building as part of an asset investment plan. As a result, it will be clear what needs to be done to maintain the premises and protect your assets.
Condition surveys may be carried out sporadically, or companies and organizations owning a great deal of property may perform regular such surveys in order to protect and maintain their assets. Full surveys of plant and equipment ensures that proper planning may be carried out, so that unnecessary waste and costs are avoided. It is also invaluable for budget purposes, as companies are able to determine when maintenance will be necessary and ensure that they can meet the costs.
There are two types of condition surveys:
- Broad brush condition surveys
This consists of a purely visual inspection of the building, and is intended to assess the general condition
- Maintenance management condition survey
These are more detailed surveys. The purpose is to gather data and determine the condition of all plant and systems.
A condition survey is essential for the following reasons:
- If you wish to develop an asset register
- If you are considering awarding maintenance contracts
- It will make you aware of problems with the building that are impeding performance or posing a threat to the health of staff using the building.
Failure to carry out technical diligence can be costly and prevent a company from operating in an efficient manner. They may waste considerable sums in correcting building defects that could have been prevented if they were identified at an earlier stage. By carrying out regular surveys of plant and equipment, a company stays on top of these issues and avoids wasting resources. They will be able to grow and develop, by investing resources where they can best be used.
With two decades of experience, Inspexa has all the necessary expertise to help clients ensure that their plant and equipment are safe and efficient. This is a vital aspect of any business if it is to thrive. In fact, we have saved clients considerable sums by identifying maintenance priorities, allowing them to plan ahead, and address issues before they become more costly.
Planning is a key aspect of business efficiency, and by carrying out condition surveys your company will be able to determine the following:
- Your company’s assets
- The state of your assets
- Which of those assets are essential to the company
- How long before breakdown occurs
- How this can be avoided
- The options available – maintenance, replacement, refurbishment
- The cost of each of these options
- What is most important
Interested parties tendering for maintenance contracts will also be able to use the information gained from condition surveys. They can assess the likely cost of maintenance and thus work out a price for the tender.
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