Inspexa provides detailed assessments of plant, equipment and installations in buildings and their actual value, which helps potential buyers of existing properties or when owners negotiate their insurance premiums.
About building services condition surveys
A building services condition survey is a systematic process of evaluating the condition of plant and installations. This is to establish whether the plant and installations are capable of continually supporting business needs and legal requirements in the medium and long term. Condition surveys also aim to establish any remedial action required to bring plant and installations up to expected conditions (such as modifications, refurbishment and replacement), to identify relative priorities and to propose a programme of action.
Why condition surveys?
Condition surveys help to plan for the necessary human and financial resources required to avoid plant and installation failure and help to:
- develop a property condition database that can be used for other purposes such as asset valuations
- prepare long- term asset investment plans
- achieve a balance between capital and maintenance funds
- target scarce maintenance resources (people and funds)
- benchmark maintenance expenditure
- benchmark property condition.
Plant and equipment valuation
Inspexa provides plant and equipment valuations, which can also be used for
Inspexa provides plant and equipment valuations, which can also be used for
can also be used for insurance purposes, mergers and acquisitions, and financial reporting.
Plant and equipment valuations require special engineering skills and should only be conducted by experts. They often call for functional tests and technical inspections, and can be extremely complex as assets can range from chiller plants to CT Scanners. Inspexa’s engineers are experienced in determining the functional state of any plant through specialist tests and inspections, thereby determining its value.
Our engineers possess the diverse range of skills necessary to deliver clear and timely plant and equipment valuation advice. These skills include:
- a sound knowledge of the industry from our 15 years of experience in building services engineering consultancy in Mauritius
- access to manufacturers and suppliers of equipment
- the capability to test and technically inspect equipment to determine their working condition and performance.
How can a condition survey help real estate developers and property owners?
Real estate developers looking to acquire an existing property have to be diligent in assessing its true value. Very often property valuers do not have the expertise to determine the real value of plant and equipment due to their complex nature. It may happen that in some property, plant and equipment is of significant importance both in terms of operations and value in relation to the building. Our expertise in plant and equipment condition survey and valuation helps real estate developers in reducing risks when making offer to acquire such existing properties.