Project Description
Inspexa was appointed to undertake a condition survey of the mechanical, electrical and public health (MEP) installations at Veranda Paul & Virginie Hotel & Spa located at Grand Gaube.
Works started in February 2017 with our team on site for all initial visual inspections. Several specialist’s tests followed, including non-destructive to support the results that were first obtained by their visual inspections. Electrical tests were done in accordance with BS 7671 to meet the requirements or a periodic inspection. The hose reels, water pumps, air conditioning system were all covered and thoroughly inspected. Life cycle costs assessments and NPV calculations done to advise the client on the best replacement options and alternatives.
Being very happy with the work delivered Veranda Leisure and Hospitality appointed our main company Prodesign to help them resolving all the problems highlighted in the condition survey report.